Funnel Barrels – all one way

Through repetition you and your horse will learn how to handle a turn. If you are having trouble with your first barrel this will allow you to repeat that turn consecutively. If you are having trouble with your left or right this drill with help those barrels. If your...

1 Way Barrels

This will get you’re young horses thinking about turning the barrels and will free up a tight turning horse as long as you keep big loose circles. How: Set your barrels up in a V shape. Your barrels could be anywhere from 40-60 feet apart depending on what you have...

The Diamond

This is a drill you can do while the “clover leaf barrel pattern” is still set up in your arena. It teaches your horse patience and to wait on your cues. Good for correcting, training and maintaining! How: Set your barrels or objects up in a diamond shape. Circle each...

Arena Loops

The perfect circle is the basis of all good barrel racing, so using this drill will again improve the fluidity of your turns on the pattern. Using objects in your arena to practice these circles will give you a point of reference. How: Loop all tires to the right,...


This drill will help improve your horses suppleness and maneuverability.   Easy to implement into some of the other drills you might have set up already. How: Arc in and out around the tires (or other object). Be sure to bend your horses entire body (hip to nose)....