Circle Tires

This is a great test to see if your horse is ready to head to the barrel pattern.  If your horse can’t complete this drill correctly at a given speed, it won’t be able to turn the barrel correctly at that speed.  This is also a great drill for strengthening a...

Perfect Circle

The ability to walk, trot and lope a perfect circle is the corner stone of your barrel racing training and maintaining program (and is used in many of our drills).   It is the basis of teaching your horse to keep his hip in and drive.  It teaches them to stay soft in...

Zig Zag

Through repetition your horse will learn to keep engaged and driving from behind.  Changing directions simulates the direction change you will have from first to second. Emphasizes rate and turn. How: Set  your pylons, tires or barrels up like the picture.  They...

Four Corners In

Doing the Four Corners drill from the inside is another drill you can do while you have your four barrels in a square set up. Like four corners out it is good for strengthening the hind end and keeping a horse in the correct lead with proper, correct turns.  Keeps...

Square Barrels

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line! Keeping straight will help the horse stay up underneath itself and stay correct in the turn. This is an exercise to help your horse learn to run straight into the turn and use himself correctly in the turn...